vendredi 18 décembre 2020

How Can I make money with Clickbank

How Can I make money with Clickbank?

Here is a step by step guide for making money with Clickbank for beginners.


To get a product to sell Go to Create an account if you do not have one and log in.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

From the top menu click on “Market Place.”

How Can I make money with Clickbank

To the left is a “Category” menu. Here you need to select the category that best describes your wares. The easiest/broadest is usually E-business & E-Marketing.

So click on E-business & E-Marketing or any other category you like.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

A list of products will appear in the center of the page. Each product will have an orange button accompanied by the word “Promote.” Select the button next to a product you like.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

A new page will open with 2 text boxes with your account name and one empty for a Tracking ID. Neither needs action.

There is also a new orange button with “Create” next to it. Click that button.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

Two links will be generated, one in black and one in blue. The black link is the Affiliate Link. Copy the black link and proceed to the next step.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

STEP 2 – MARKETING THE PRODUCT – the Affiliate link.

Go to click on Advertisers Sign Up.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

A form will be provided and you can describe the product with the language with which it was described on Clickbank or use your own summary.

How Can I make money with ClickbankHow Can I make money with Clickbank

The last two fields are “Display URL” and “Destination URL.” “Display URL” can be filled out with any URL, it just needs data input into the field.

In “Destination URL” you put the affiliate link copied from #8 on Clickbank (above). Then click “Continue.”

You will then be asked to select to show your ad in specific countries or the ad can show in all countries. You can select either one is okay.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

No country targeting: This means your ad can show in all countries

Specific Countries: This means You need to select a few countries to show your ads in them.

** If you selected Specific Countries make sure to select at least 10 Countries.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

If you select less than 10 countries then you will not get any results because you will not get traffic.

So, either select No Specific Countries or select at least 10 countries or more.

Next, you will be asked to specify the Cost per Click.

There will be a box labeled “Maximum CPC Bid.” It will be accompanied by a link where you can “View Recommended CPC.”

How Can I make money with Clickbank

Click on “View Recommended CPC.” You will get 2 values a minim and a maximum value,

you can use the minim value but for quick results, you can use a mid value a value that falls between both the values suggested to you. If you find the mid value too high for you, you can use the minimum value suggested it will be good.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

Next, you will be required to fill in the “Average Daily Budget,” which can be any amount you decide to allot to that ad or product. There is no minimum and you can change it at any time depending on the success of the ad or affiliate link. An ideal value to set for the Average Daily Budget is 5.

Click “Continue.”

Next, you will see your proposed advertisement and make any changes you see necessary. Then click “Continue.”

How Can I make money with Clickbank

A form will appear to be filled out to create an account.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

Make sure not to provide an email account from Hotmail or from Outlook, unless you can add emails from to your safe list.

The next step is to verify and fund it.

How Can I make money with Clickbank

only $25 is required, and with it, you can compose any number of ads you want.

This is the whole process in a nutshell

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